
Believe: “Be convinced of, trust, have confidence in, consider honest, consider truthful. To regard as true, accept, give credence to, credit, trust, put confidence in.”

Belief in God is so much more than simply acknowledging that He exists and that we are his creation, it is faith that He has created me with certain qualities, talents and abilities that are unique and that make me – me! A life of faith is therefore a life of discovery, of unraveling the mystery of me, and allowing God to reveal the true me. True belief in God is therefore a celebration of God and of who God made me to be.

At Desert Stream we are committed to you discovering God and discovering you. We are focused on enabling you to discover the person God made you to be. We desire that you come to see the wonderfully talent, gifted and anointed person that you are, a person placed on earth with great purpose and destiny.

It is our firm conviction and experience that, if you don’t know God, He ends up looking a lot like you, but as you truly believe in God you start looking a lot like Him! In other words when a person doesn’t know God, their image of God is shaped by their own experiences and perceptions and thus their idea of God is a being who is a lot like themselves; sharing all their ideas and imperfections. But as we grow in our faith and come to truly know God, He begins to change us and mold us and then we end up looking a lot like Him.

We have designed the following to strengthen your faith, to help you more deeply understand the God of the universe and the person He has made you to be.

Real Sons Men's Ministry

As sons of God, we can grow up and become healthy, mature, biblical men of God who know how to lead, guide and support our families and communities. Join us on our shared journey to manhood.


Real Sons meets every other Friday night at 6:30pm in the main sanctuary for worship and biblical teaching and testimony on becoming a man of God. Look forward to a great time of fellowship, worship and prayer as we discover our biblical identity as men.

Men's Morning Fellowship & Prayer Group

Men’s Morning Fellowship & Prayer Group meets weekly at 7:45am – 8:30am where men gather in the main sanctuary for conversation and conclude with prayer before going out to a restaurant for a hot breakfast.

The Women's Network

Women of Prayer meets every Wednesday morning @ 7:30 am here at Desert Stream! This is a time of prayerfully seeking God, a time of refreshment and time of fellowship.


The Women’s Network has various other events throughout the year such as our Christmas Party, Pumpkin Spice Night and Spring Luncheon/Tea. For more information please contact the church office @ 613-968-5348 and keep checking our online calendar!

Life Groups

Life Groups offer a small group context to facilitate deeper Christian relationships outside the Sunday morning experience. We believe that Christianity is a relational experience; you can’t have spiritual maturity apart from relational maturity. The goal is to be both relational and practical. Groups meet on different days and at different times, some groups are age or gender based (under 35, men’s or seniors, etc.), while other groups are open to all.


We are currently rebuilding life groups. If you have a desire to host or facilitate a Life Group, please contact the church office or email Pastor Marc Henshaw directly at [email protected].

Teaching Series

We also provide training through classes and specialized programs; parenting, marriage and family, pre-marital, financial, and theological courses. These options will be promoted through our Realm app.

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Your financial support and generosity allow us to create the quality environments that you and your family enjoy on a weekly basis.

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