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The Spread of MTD

August 1, 2017

There is a serious malady infecting the church in the Western World. It is called MTD and it is so serious that one author warns: “Christianity is dead, and we Christians have killed it. We have allowed our children to be catechized by the culture, and have produced an anesthetizing religion suited for little more… Continue reading The Spread of MTD

The Death of Common Sense

April 3, 2017

A few years ago, I came across an unusual obituary. It was written at the passing away of “Common Sense.. I won’t recount the whole thing for you here today, it is a little to long, but a quick look at our world today reveals that Common Sense has indeed passed away. “Today we mourn… Continue reading The Death of Common Sense

A Call To Arms

July 6, 2016

Driving to the office today, I heard an interesting news story. It seems that emergency rooms at hospitals have become occupied with patients who have been suffering with temporary blindness in one eye. Believing it may be a symptom of a stroke, they have visited the local emergency. It turns out the problem isn’t a… Continue reading A Call To Arms

Cecil The Lion & Planned Parenthood

August 29, 2015

Our societies moral confusion became glaringly obvious this summer. While dentist Walter Palmer from Minnesota was being shamed for killing Zimbabwe’s famous lion, Cecil; Planned Parenthood was being exposed for marketing baby parts for a price. Both stories garnered plenty of attention. Palmer, an avid trophy hunter, is accused of luring Cecil from the safety… Continue reading Cecil The Lion & Planned Parenthood