Dr. Evan O’Neil Kane, had been a surgeon for almost four decades. He was concerned about the dangers of the overuse of general anesthesia. He needed an appendectomy candidate, who would be willing to undergo surgery using local anesthesia only. But it was tough to find someone who was willing to stay awake through such surgery. Finally, he found a willing candidate, and on February 15th they wheeled in the patient, prepped him and prepared for the operation. Kane deftly cut into the patient, found the troublesome appendix, and took it out without a hitch. The operation was a rousing success and the patient recovered nicely.
The year was 1921 and the patient was none other than Dr. Kane himself. He had succeeded in taking out his own appendix under a local anesthetic. Dr. Kane showed us how to lead by example.
As we celebrate Father’s Day 2018 it is important to note how much our world needs more “Dr. Kanes,” men (and women too) who are willing to back up their ideas, their convictions, their values and their beliefs, with solid action. Men who will “put their money where their mouth is” so to speak. Dad, the best way to “train your child in the way they should go” (Prov 22:6) is by example.
Jesus led by example. He calls us to serve – He himself became a servant of all. He calls us to love – He was the epitome of love. He asks us to be prepared to give our very lives – He died… giving His life for yours and mine.
Dad, train your child in the way they should go by your example, then the second part of Prov 22:6 will also come true, namely that, “when they are old they will not depart from it”.
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