Little three year-old Nicole was as anxious for Easter to come as she had been for Christmas. Mom and dad were expecting their third child in just a few weeks, and as this was their first child since arriving as Pastors to this church, many people were bringing gifts. Nicole had picked out a new dress, and mom and dad had also given her a new bonnet. As they stopped at the store to buy her a new pair of shoes to go with her outfit, she once again said, “I can’t wait for Easter Daddy!”
He asked her, “Do you know what Easter means honey?”
She replied, “Yes!”
“Well what does it mean?” he asked.
In her own three-year-old way, with arms raised, a smile on her face, and at the top of her voice she shouted, “SURPRISE!”
The Psalmist declared, “From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise.” (Psa. 8:2) This story illustrates exactly what the Psalmist meant. I can think of no better way to sum up the Easter message than exactly as little Nicole did. Easter is truly a celebration of a surprise!
After the crucifixion, the disciples scattered and hid in fear.
The Pharisees sighed in relief, having rid themselves of the troublemaker from Galilee.
And for a day and a half; Satan raised his hands in victory. Believing he had won.
Then SURPRISE, Christ arose, defeated death, conquered the grave, forever released mankind from the prison of sin, and became the “first born of all creation.” With the resurrection Christ triumphed over the enemy and restored mankind to the place he was meant to occupy from the beginning. Man therefore became a new creation, a joint heir with Christ himself.
Yes, I can think of no better word to sum up the Easter message than, SURPRISE!
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