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Our World Needs You

March 10, 2022

In his summary, of the core thesis, of a new book, Stolen Focus by Johann Hari, Andrew Sullivan writes: “Create a throw-away consumeristic civilization, break families into ever smaller units, add a tech revolution, online addiction, economic precariousness, breakneck social change, endless work, and the collapse of religion and meaning, and yes, people will go… Continue reading Our World Needs You

Why I am Not a Worrier

April 19, 2020

I am not a worrier by nature. It is not that I am particularly brave, nor am I naïve, it’s just that I am a fairly rational minded person, who tends to look at a situation from a calculated perspective. For example, I really have no fear of flying. Not because flying today requires one… Continue reading Why I am Not a Worrier

The Gospel According to the A-Team

February 4, 2020

Remember the A-Team, the over the top, action TV show, that took to the airwaves in the Fall of 1983 and ran for five seasons? It was a show about four Vietnam vets, framed for a crime they didn’t commit, who take time to help the innocent while on the run from the military. Each… Continue reading The Gospel According to the A-Team

I Love Christmas

December 4, 2019

It is true, I love Christmas and I think the older I get, the more I love it. This year it is especially precious because Shari and I now have 10 grandchildren to celebrate the holidays with. But that is not all that makes Christmas special to me. I love just about everything about Christmas.… Continue reading I Love Christmas

No More Cheese and Crackers

October 29, 2019

There was an Italian man who decided to sell everything he had to immigrate to the United States during the turn of the 20th century. He barely had enough money to buy a ticket to a ship to the U.S. Because he didn’t have much money left, he went and bought some cheese and crackers… Continue reading No More Cheese and Crackers


October 2, 2019

Do you have anyone you really don’t like to spend time with? You know, the kind of person that when you see them, you hope they didn’t see you and you quickly dodge to the other side of the street to avoid them. If there is such a person in your life, there is a… Continue reading Gratefulness

What Do You Love the Most?

September 11, 2019

I recently read an excerpt from a book, Carlos Garcia (our Nicaraguan missionary) had posted online. It impacted me like lightening, as it strikes at the core of the “me” culture today.   “God is never going to change to make room for you in the Kingdom. It is you who must change. I can… Continue reading What Do You Love the Most?

Make Sure You Have the Right Attitude

July 17, 2019

Attitude is extremely important when flying an aircraft.   The “attitude” of a plane describes the angle of attack the plane has with respect to the horizon. In other words, how the plane is oriented with its nose down or up, will determine how the craft will reach or maintain altitude. In order to climb… Continue reading Make Sure You Have the Right Attitude

The End of Empathy

April 24, 2019

There is no arguing that we live in a shifting culture. Things that we took for granted 30 years ago are on their way out, or already gone. The victims of the shift are many. Car sales are down as increasingly fewer young adults own cars or even bother to get a drivers’ license. Retail… Continue reading The End of Empathy

Easter Through the Eyes of a Child

April 17, 2019

Little three year-old Nicole was as anxious for Easter to come as she had been for Christmas. Mom and dad were expecting their third child in just a few weeks, and as this was their first child since arriving as Pastors to this church, many people were bringing gifts. Nicole had picked out a new… Continue reading Easter Through the Eyes of a Child